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Rollercoaster by: Vladine Pluviouse. Excerpts from the book
All contents of Rollercoaster is property of individual copyright holder and may not be used without permission.

Insert book summery

Hard to love, harder to be with

I have loved you for years.
My heart beats when I hear your name.
My soul awakens when you kiss me.
Your presence makes me believe I can live forever with this love.

But you are a complicating man to love.
One moment I believe I can get over you.
I make plans and concentrate on my future.

Than you pop up again.
All the energy I put to get over you seems useless.
I prepare again for the adventure you intend to bring me on.

                                             I am happy again.

I don’t know when you will leave again.
I get frustrated that I give you this much power.
I know your feelings for me are strong or at least I convince myself.

Our moments together are precious.
Underneath it all I know you’re a good man.
But how long can I want to be with a complicating man?

page 71

Love is an important aspect of human life.  Love has no age, no trademark, no boundaries, it’s a feeling which is personal and cannot be described in simple words.  Many of us find love complicated because we confuse it with other factors.  Everyone can love and fall in love.  Love is like a road directed towards the door of heaven.  Though it feels good, this ingredient has to be nurtured in order for it to last.  There will always be obstacles to test your love.  Sometimes it feels like the devil’s work, or simply your riding on a rollercoaster and don’t know how to get off.  But always remember…real love is powerful enough to conquer anything, when two people are on the same ride.

page 17

Spoil yourself

When do you know you’re starting to heal???
 (no specific order)
*you can say his name without adding adjectives.
*when you realize that you want to close the chapter.
*when you don’t want to waste anymore energy talking about, crying, screaming, swearing about him
*you realize, you were not meant to be together.  Or you deserve better.
*you wrote down the lessons you have learnt about yourself, due to this relationship. 
 You’ve learned what you love about yourself and what you want to change about
*you can say, “I’m single.”
*you are not blaming the problems in the relationship on the whole world.  It was just
  you and him.
*you know what you will not tolerate anymore.
*you are back to yourself.  Your self-esteem, confidence, your heart, etc. is back to
  normal or improved.
*you do not see the relationship as a mistake.
*when you realize, you will survive.
                This too will pass.

page 57   

I’m doing you a favor

Stay away!!!
Why are you still trying to be with me?
I told you I am scared.
I have seen too much.
I have been through so much.

I’m doing you a favor.

My heart has been broken so many times.
I do not even know if I can love again.
I am a survivor that is carrying so much baggage.
I do not know if I have the energy to love.

I’m doing you a favor.

I love to be spoiled.
I need attention.
I expect a lot.
I have big dreams.

I am doing you a favor.

I do not play games.
I believe in monogamous relationship
I value honesty.

I am doing you a favor.
I believe in good times and bad times.
I believe in sickness and in health.
I believe in until death do us part.
I am doing you a favor.
Why are you still trying?

page 36

Want to purchase the book Rollercoaster?
Send a money order or certified check of 25.00 CDN$ to:

Vladine Pluviose
St-Jacques Station
P.O. Box 61
Montreal, QC, H3C 1C5

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